Immigration Solutions for Businesses & Organisations
Assisting Employers Across all SectorsLet Us Assist
Kruger Legal Ltd. facilities favourable immigration-related outcomes for employers, businesses and organisations by providing industry-leading expertise and support.
Employer Accreditation
The Accredited Employer Work Visa scheme was introduced in mid-2022 and Kruger Legal Ltd. has assisted, and continues to assist, New Zealand employers of all shapes and sizes to not only obtain accreditation status, but to also successfully apply for “Job Checks” and ultimately support Accredited Employer Work Visa applications for their migrant worker staff.
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Employer Accreditation has historically been used by specialist and large employers as a recruitment tool to help attract interest from highly skilled migrants. Opting in was optional and accreditation status was only granted to a select number of businesses.
The New Zealand government did away with the “original” employer accreditation scheme and introduced a new, mandatory accreditation scheme which requires of all New Zealand employers (who wish to employ migrants) to become accredited.
Employer Accreditation, “Job Check” and Accredited Employer Work Visa applications may, at first sight, appear relatively uncomplicated to the untrained eye, but the “devil is in the detail” and even small mistakes could result in significant negative consequences for businesses and their migrant staff, down the line. Our firm is well equipped to help your business avoid potential pitfalls and achieve optimal results.
Business Relocation & Expansion into New Zealand
Successful overseas businesses and organisations based outside New Zealand may be eligible to expand into, and legally do business in, New Zealand. Some may even want to consider the option of relocating their entire base of operations (including key staff members) to New Zealand.
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The process involved in achieving these goals is complex because it involves regulatory hurdles on a number of fronts, but the rewards can be immense as New Zealand has an advanced economy that regularly outperforms those of our trading partners.
Kruger Legal Ltd. is vastly experienced in dealing with the legal aspects associated with relocating a business to, or establishing a business presence in, New Zealand and solutions are available for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes.
Immigration Compliance & Education
Immigration New Zealand has very little tolerance for intentional and even unintentional breaches of New Zealand’s immigration laws, regulations and policies.
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Being a fully compliant business or organisation is crucial to being able to employ migrant workers, maintain accreditation status and/or for a business or organisation to provide visa options to its founders and key staff.
Maintaining an immigration compliant workplace requires a near constant flow of information and education as regulatory requirements are frequently updated and amended.
Kruger Legal Ltd. provides solutions designed not only to identify and correct compliance-related shortcomings, but also to educate and sharpen up knowledge in this area.
Other Business-related Immigration Solutions
Kruger Legal Ltd. understands that not all businesses and organisations have similar immigration-related requirements, as some may find they have a combination of requirements or unusual and specific issues that require addressing.
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We are specialists in analysing the specific needs of businesses and organisations, and market-leading at devising solutions to address those needs.
Whether a business or organisation requires something as simple as help with completing an application form, or something as complex as relocating an entire multinational corporation (with all of its key staff), we have the expertise to make that happen.
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