INZ update: Partner Visas
Partners of Accredited Employer work visa (AEWV) and Essential Skills work visa (ESWV) holders can currently apply for partnership-based work visas based on their relationship with AEWV or ESWV holders.
From 31 May 2023 onwards, partners of AEWV and ESWV holders will still be able to apply for partnership-based work visas, but if those visas are granted, they will be granted with conditions which will only allow work for accredited employers in jobs paid at, or above, the median wage (NZ$29.66 p/h) or paid at a lower wage threshold if the role is covered by an un-capped sector agreement.
Applicants for partnership-based work visas will not require a job offer to apply for these visas and will be able to change employers without formally varying the conditions of their visa.
Partners who do not want to work can also simply apply to join their partners in New Zealand on Visitor Visas.
If you need any advice or assistance, please contact us.
Call: +64(0)27 517 4828
Email: [email protected]